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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased - 0.3.15









0.3.14 - 2024-06-17


  • In API, suppress specific scanners when running the analysis.


  • Allow custom uvicorn configuration in the API deployment.
  • Add support of Python v3.12
  • In API, removed gunicorn support as uvicorn supports workers.


  • Caching is removed from the API deployment as it was causing issues when running multiple workers.
  • use_io_binding parameter is removed for the ONNX inference to allow the client to control it.

0.3.13 - 2024-05-10


  • BanSubstrings scanner to handle substrings with special characters.


  • Gibberish scanner has higher threshold to reduce false positives. In addition, it supports changing labels to remove overtriggering when mild gibberish is detected.
  • BanCode scanner was improved to trigger less false-positives.
  • Improved logging to support JSON format both in the library and API.
  • Optimizations in the API to reduce the latency.
  • BanCompetitors scanner relies on the new model which also supports ONNX inference.

0.3.12 - 2024-04-23


  • Lazy loading of models in the API deployment. Now you can start loading models when the first request comes.
  • Support for gunicorn in the API deployment.
  • NoRefusalLight scanner that uses a common set of phrases to detect refusal as per research papers.
  • Anonymize and Sensitive scanners have a support of lakshyakh93/deberta_finetuned_pii model.
  • BanCode scanner to detect and block code snippets in the prompt.
  • Benchmarks on the AMD CPU.
  • API has a new endpoint POST /scan/prompt to scan the prompt without sanitizing it. It is faster than the POST /analyze/scan endpoint.
  • Example of running LLM Guard with ChatGPT streaming mode enabled.
  • API supports loading models from the local folder.


  • InvisibleText scanner to allow control characters like \n, \t, etc.


  • [Breaking]: Introducing Model object for better customization of the models.
  • Updated all libraries
  • Introduced revision for all models to ensure the same model is used for the same revision.
  • Code scanner to rely on the output if there is no Code in the prompt.
  • BanTopics, FactualConsistency: support of the new zero-shot-classification models.
  • PromptInjection can support more match types for better accuracy.
  • API relies on the lighter models for faster inference but with a bit lower accuracy. You can remove the change and build from source to use the full models.
  • PromptInjection scanned uses the new v2 model for better accuracy.


  • model_kwargs and pipeline_kwargs as they are part of the Model object.

0.3.10 - 2024-03-14





  • API Documentation and Code improvements.
  • Improved logging to expose more information.
  • Anonymize: Tweaks for pattern-based matching.
  • Pass pipeline and model kwargs for better control over the models.
  • Relax validations to accept custom models.
  • [Breaking]: Anonymize scanner patterns are configured in Python instead of JSON file.



0.3.9 - 2024-02-08

Laiyer is now part of Protect AI


  • Anonymize: language support with zh (#79, thanks to @Oscaner).
  • Anonymize: more regex patterns, such as PO_BOX_RE, PRICE_RE, HEX_COLOR, TIME_RE, DATE_RE, URL_RE, PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_EXT, BTC_ADDRESS
  • Add NIST Taxonomy to the documentation.
  • Pass HuggingFace Transformers pipeline kwargs for better control over the models. For example, BanTopics(topics=["politics", "war", "religion"], transformers_kwargs={"low_cpu_mem_usage": True}) for better memory usage when handling big models.
  • API: rate limiting.
  • API: HTTP basic authentication and API key authentication.
  • API: OpenTelemetry support for tracing and metrics.


  • Incorrect results when using Deanonymize multiple times (#82, thanks to @andreaponti5)


  • NoRefusal scanner relies on the proprietary model ProtectAI/distilroberta-base-rejection-v1.
  • NoRefusal support match_type parameter to choose between sentence and all matches.
  • Using structlog for better logging.
  • [Breaking]: Code: using new model philomath-1209/programming-language-identification with more languages support and better accuracy. Please update your languages parameter.
  • API: ONNX is enabled by default.
  • protobuf version is not capped to v3.
  • API uses pyproject.toml for dependencies and builds.
  • [Breaking]: API configuration changes with separate sections for auth, rate_limit and cache.


  • Roadmap documentation as it's not up-to-date.

0.3.7 - 2023-01-15

0.3.5 and 0.3.6 were skipped due to build issues.



  • BanSubstrings: bug when case_sensitive was enabled.
  • Bias calculation of risk score based on the threshold.


  • Using pyproject.toml instead of based on the request.
  • [Breaking] Regex scanners have a new signature. It accepts patterns, is_blocked and match_type.
  • [Breaking] BanSubstrings: match_type parameter became Enum instead of str.
  • [Breaking] Code scanners have a new signature. It accepts languages and is_blocked instead of 2 separate lists.
  • Toxicity, PromptInjection, Bias and Language scanners support sentence match for better accuracy (will become slower).
  • BanTopics, FactualConsistency and NoRefusal: Updated zero-shot classification model to hMoritzLaurer/deberta-v3-base-zeroshot-v1.1-all-33 with different size options.
  • [Breaking]: Using keyword arguments for better readability of the code e.g. scanner = BanSubstrings(["a", "b", "c"], "str", False, True, False) would raise an error.
  • [Breaking]: API config supports configuring same scanner multiple times with different inputs.

0.3.4 - 2023-12-21



  • Upgraded all libraries to the latest versions
  • Improvements to the documentation
  • Deanonymize scanner supports matching strategies
  • Support of ONNX runtime on GPU for even faster inference (with massive latency improvements) and updated benchmarks


  • Usage of dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english in the Anonymize scanner

0.3.3 - 2023-11-25


  • Benchmarks on Azure instances


0.3.2 - 2023-11-15


  • Using ONNX converted models hosted by Laiyer on HuggingFace
  • Switched to better model for MaliciousURLs scanner - DunnBC22/codebert-base-Malicious_URLs
  • BanTopics, NoRefusal, FactualConsistency and Relevance scanners support ONNX inference
  • Relevance rely on optimized ONNX models
  • Switched to using transformers in Relevance scanner to have less dependencies
  • Updated benchmarks for relevant scanners
  • Use papluca/xlm-roberta-base-language-detection model for the Language and LanguageSame scanner
  • PromptInjection calculates risk score based on the defined threshold
  • Up-to-date Langchain integration using LCEL


  • Remove lingua-language-detector dependency from Language and LanguageSame scanners

0.3.1 - 2023-11-09


  • Handling long prompts by truncating it to the maximum length of the model


  • Use single PromptInjection scanner with multiple models
  • Benchmarks are measured for each scanner individually
  • In the Refutation output scanner use the same model for the NLI as used in the BanTopics
  • Benchmarks for each individual scanner instead of one common
  • Use deepset/deberta-v3-base-injection model for the PromptInjection scanner
  • Optimization of scanners on GPU by using batch_size=1
  • Use lingua-language-detector instead of langdetect in the Language scanner
  • Upgrade all libraries including transformers to the latest versions
  • Use Transformers recognizers in the Anonymize and Sensitive scanner to improve named-entity recognition
  • Possibility of using ONNX runtime in scanners by enabling use_onnx parameter
  • Use the newest MoritzLaurer/deberta-v3-base-zeroshot-v1 model for the BanTopics and Refutation scanners
  • Use the newest MoritzLaurer/deberta-v3-large-zeroshot-v1 model for the NoRefusal scanner
  • Use better unitary/unbiased-toxic-roberta model for Toxicity scanners (both input and output)
  • ONNX on API deployment for faster CPU inference
  • CUDA on API deployment for faster GPU inference


  • Remove PromptInjectionV2 scanner to rely on the single one with a choice
  • Langchain LLMChain example as this functionality is deprecated, use LCEL instead

0.3.0 - 2023-10-14


  • Regex scanner to the prompt
  • Language scanners both for prompt and output
  • JSON output scanner
  • Best practices to the documentation
  • LanguageSame output scanner to check that the prompt and output languages are the same


  • BanSubstrings can match all substrings in addition to any of them
  • Sensitive output scanner can redact found entities
  • Change to faster model for BanTopics prompt and output scanners MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-fever-docnli-ling-2c
  • Changed model for the NoRefusal scanner to faster MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-fever-docnli-ling-2c
  • Anonymize and Sensitive scanners support more accurate models (e.g. beki/en_spacy_pii_distilbert and ability to choose them. It also reduced the latency of this scanner
  • Usage of sentence-transformers library replaced with FlagEmbedding in the Relevance output scanner
  • Ability to choose embedding model in Relevance scanner and use the best model currently available
  • Cache tokenizers in memory to improve performance
  • Moved API deployment to llm_guard_api
  • JSON scanner can repair the JSON if it is broken
  • Rename Refutation scanner to FactualConsistency to better reflect its purpose


  • Removed chunking in Anonymize and Sensitive scanners because it was breaking redaction

0.2.4 - 2023-10-07



  • Using another Bias detection model which works better on different devices valurank/distilroberta-bias
  • Updated the roadmap in README and documentation
  • BanSubstrings can redact found substrings
  • One logger for all scanners
  • device became function to lazy load (avoid torch import when unnecessary)
  • Lazy load dependencies in scanners
  • Added elapsed time in logs of evaluate_prompt and evaluate_output functions
  • New secrets detectors
  • Added GPU benchmarks on g5.xlarge instance
  • Tests are running on Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11


  • Usage of accelerate library for inference. Instead, it will detect device using torch

0.2.3 - 2023-09-23


  • Added Swagger documentation on the API documentation page
  • Added fail_fast flag to stop the execution after the first failure
    • Updated API and Playground to support fail_fast flag
    • Clarified order of execution in the documentation
  • Added timeout configuration for API example
  • Better examples of langchain integration

0.2.2 - 2023-09-21


  • Missing secrets detection for Github token in the final build

0.2.1 - 2023-09-21


  • New pages in the docs about usage of LLM Guard
  • Benchmark of AWS EC2 inf1.xlarge instance
  • Example of API with Docker in llm_guard_api
  • Regex output scanner can redact the text using a regular expression


  • Lowercase prompt in Relevance output scanner to improve quality of cosine similarity
  • Detect code snippets from Markdown in Code scanner to prevent false-positives
  • Changed model used for PromptInjection to JasperLS/deberta-v3-base-injection, which produces less false-positives
  • Introduced threshold parameter for Code scanners to control the threshold for the similarity

0.2.0 - 2023-09-15


  • Documentation moved to mkdocs
  • Benchmarks in the documentation
  • Added documentation about adding more scanners
  • Makefile with useful commands
  • Demo application using Streamlit deployed to HuggingFace Spaces


  • MaliciousURLs scanner produced false positives when URLs are not extracted from the text


  • Support of GPU inference
  • Score of existing Anonymize patterns


  • URL entity type from Anonymize scanner (it was producing false-positive results)

0.1.3 - 2023-09-02


  • Lock transformers version to 4.32.0 because spacy-transformers require it
  • Update the roadmap based on the feedback from the community
  • Updated NoRefusal scanner to use transformer to classify the output


  • Jailbreak input scanner (it was doing the same as the prompt injection one)

0.1.2 - 2023-08-26



  • Introduced new linters for markdown

0.1.1 - 2023-08-20



  • Flow picture instead of the logo
  • Bump libraries

0.1.0 - 2023-08-12



  • All prompt scanners: Introducing a risk score, where 0 - means no risk, 1 - means high risk
  • All output scanners: Introducing a risk score, where 0 - means no risk, 1 - means high risk
  • Anonymize prompt scanner: Using the transformer based Spacy model en_core_web_trf (reference)
  • Anonymize prompt scanner: Supporting faker for applicable entities instead of placeholder (use_faker parameter)
  • Anonymize prompt scanner: Remove all patterns for secrets detection, use Secrets prompt scanner instead.
  • Jailbreak prompt scanner: Updated dataset with more examples, removed duplicates


  • Anonymize prompt scanner: Removed FILE_EXTENSION entity type

0.0.3 - 2023-08-10


  • Dependabot support
  • CodeQL support
  • More pre-commit hooks to improve linters


  • Locked libraries in requirements.txt
  • Logo link in README

0.0.2 - 2023-08-07


  • Fixed missing .json files in the package

0.0.1 - 2023-08-07
