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Adding a new scanner

LLM Guard can be extended to support new scanners, and to support additional models for the existing. These scanners could be added via code or ad-hoc as part of the request.


Before writing code, please read the contributing guide.

Extending the input (prompt) scanners

  1. Create a new class in the llm_guard/input_scanners that inherits from base.Scanner and implements the scan method. The scan method should return a tuple str, bool, float.
  2. Add test cases for the new scanner in tests/input_scanners.
  3. Add the new scanner to the llm_guard/input_scanners/ __all__ enum.
  4. Write documentation in the docs/input_scanners folder and add a link to the mkdocs.yml file.
  5. Also, add a link to the documentation in, and update the docs/ file.

Extending the output scanners

  1. Create a new class in the llm_guard/output_scanners that inherits from base.Scanner and implements the scan method. The scan method should return a tuple str, bool, float.
  2. Add test cases for the new scanner in tests/output_scanners.
  3. Add the new scanner to the llm_guard/output_scanners/ __all__ enum.
  4. Write documentation in the docs/output_scanners folder and add a link to the mkdocs.yml file.
  5. Also, add a link to the documentation in, and update the docs/ file.